This week we watched a clip from Disney with a cloud named Gus and a bird named Peck. We then wrote a letter to the other character according to what happened in the video.
The learning pit is a place where you would stop and think. My class all made a poster about this, and you can see my one on the right. My friend Barry was in this picture, and he is the stick-figure taking the two routes of the learning pit. First, the route of going into the learning pit is when you don't know what to do, but then figure it out. Like it shows, Barry at the start thinks, "here we go!" Then falls into the learning pit exclaiming, "wait, what do I do?" When he is in the learning pit, he then gets confused, eventually pushing him to say to himself that he is confused! Like on the picture, it shows that Barry is yelling, "I'm confused!" After that, he tries to figure out how to get out of the learning pit, and then finds a box of rope beside him, so he grabs the rope out of the box, chucks it out of the learning pit, onto the ground above him while getting it stuck behind a metal structure. Barry climbs up the rope, thinking to himself, "I'm getting it!" Eventually, Barry climbs to the top, then screamed, "I DID IT!" The learning pit basically is something that you get stuck, but then find the solution to the problem. The other route of the learning pit is very simple, but is not the best thing to do. Instead of going into the learning pit, you go over the learning pit. So it means that you're leaping over the learning pit, having no clue about what you're meant to do down there, which can lead to some consequences. As shown on my drawing, Barry jumps over the learning pit, observing the end while thinking, "completing it without knowledge, heh!" And I suggest not taking the route of skipping the learning pit. Which means your future cannot be so great while doing what you were meant to do down there.Thanks for reading my learning pit blog!